
IDevice Icon Concepts
  • The five senses are: SIGHT, SMELL, FEEL, TASTE, and HEARING
  • The knowledge of the world through the five senses:

- I can see with my eyes.

- I can smell with my nose.

- I can feel with my skin.

- I can taste with my tongue.

- I can hear with my ear.

  • Qualities:

- Rough-smooth.

- Good smell-bad smell.

- Sweet-salty.

- Far-close.

- Noises.



iDevice icon Cloze Activity
Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.

  • The five senses are: , SMELL, , , and
  • The knowledge of the world through the five senses:

- I can see with my .

- I can with my nose.

- I can feel with my .

- I can with my tongue.

- I can hear with my .

  • Qualities:

- Rough- .

- Good -bad smell.

- Sweet- .

- -close.

- Noises


Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike 3.0 License

Andres Egea & Oliva Garzon