

The aim of this sequence is for the students to reinforce their learning of lexis related to food, and healthy habits that lead to a healthy lifestyle.
Students study the food pyramid; the modal verb ‘must’ for obligation; the verb ‘have’ with food and drink; the present simple and interrogative pronouns.

Food pyramid

In this learning block, the users will learn about the names of different foods, the food pyramid and where each type of food goes within it.

• Learn the names of different foods.
• Learn to place food in the food pyramid.

Teacher's notes
This block is developed over six screens. The first screen is divided into 3 sub-screens. Screen 1 presents the food pyramid, the categories of food that go in it and where they go.
Screen 1.2 presents four examples of food within each category of the food pyramid.
Screen 1.3 requires students to listen and match the audio to the written word.
Screen 2 students are required to match different foods to their place in the food pyramid according to the type of food that it is.
Screen 3 requires students to place different food in the pyramid according to their type.
In the final screen the students have to choose the food that does not belong to the group.

This block is basically designed for individual work. However, the block should present opportunities for discussing healthy habits – talk to the students about how many times a day they should eat food from the different food groups.

Dos and don’ts

In this block, the user will learn to distinguish between what habits and what kinds of food are healthy and what are not.

• Learn about healthy habits.
• Learn the imperative form (affirmative and negative) and modal verbs of obligation.

Teacher’s notes
The learning block is developed over five screens.
The first screen is divided into two sub-screens. Screen 1 visually presents healthy and unhealthy habits.
Screen 1.2 presents healthy and unhealthy habits in the form of recommendation and orders from a doctor.
Screen 2 students are required to listen to recommendations about healthy habits and choose the right picture.
Screen 3 students read about other people’s healthy habits and decide if they are healthy or not.
In the final activity, they are asked to write sentences about healthy and unhealthy habits.

This block is basically designed for individual work. However, it presents opportunities to discuss healthy and unhealthy habits with your students.

Healthy habits

In this block students learn more about healthy lifestyles.

• Learn about healthy lifestyle – learn about what to do and eat in order to be healthy.
• Learn the modal verb must to express obligations.

Teacher’s notes
The block consists of 6 screens. The presentation screen presents a short dialogue between a boy and girl.
Screen 1.2 presents what students must and mustn’t do in their daily lives in order to be healthy.
Screen 2 requires students to match healthy and unhealthy habits to the right form of ‘must’.
Screen 3 they choose the right option to describe healthy and unhealthy habits depicted in the pictures.
Screen 4 requires them to complete some basic rules for a healthy lifestyle.
In the final screen they are asked to say whether a set of rules is right or wrong.

This block is basically designed for individual work. However, you could ask your students to make decorative wall charts for the classroom on how to stay healthy. Student should write dos and don’ts and basic rules and decorate the poster as they like.


In this block students are going to learn about what people eat in different countries.

• Learn the names of different meals.
• Learn about people’s eating habits in other countries.

Teacher’s notes
Screen present 4 boys and girls from different countries talking about the meals they like and what they eat. It is divided into two sub-screens.
In the first activity on screen 2, students listen to descriptions of the four meals and match the people with the meals.
Screen 3 students listen to the boys and girls again and match them to the names of the meals and a picture of what each one eats for that meal.
Screen 4 practises the use of the verb ‘have’ with meals and food.
In the final screen students are required to decide if the sentences are true or false based on what they’ve studied in the learning block.

This block is basically designed for individual work. However, students could be asked to write about what they have for each meal during the day.

How often do you eat?

In this final block students are learn about what food to eat, why and how often we should eat them.

• Learn frequency adverbs and expressions.
• Learn to ask questions using interrogative pronouns.

Teacher’s notes
This learning block is developed over six screens.
On the first screen students are presented different types of questions.
Screen 2 students are required to listen to people asking and answering questions about what they eat and decide who says what.
Screen 3 they match questions and answers.
Screen 4 requires students to choose the right answer for the questions they hear.
Screen 5 they complete questions with the correct interrogative pronoun according to the answer given.
In the final screen they put the words in the right order to make questions.

This block is basically designed for individual work. However, you can ask students design a questionnaire about eating habits. Students work in group and write five or six questions. Then they ask other students in their class their questions, noting down the answers – they transfer the information to a chart which can then be displayed in the classroom.