
IDevice Icon Concepts


  • Everyone has a family.
  • Family members are: Grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, brother and sister.

  • Activities families celebrate together are:

- Father's day.

- Mother's day.

- Christmas.

- Birthdays.

  • At school and other places, people help us:

- Teachers.

- Doctors.

- Friends.




The family




iDevice icon Cloze Activity
Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.

  • Everyone has a .
  • Family members are: , grandfather, , father, and .

  • Activities families celebrate together are:

- .

- Mother's day.

- .

- Birthdays.

  • At school and other places, people help us:

- Teachers.

- .

- Friends.


Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike 3.0 License

Andrés Egea & Oliva Garzón