

WeatherThe aim of this sequence is for the students to reinforce and expand their learning of weather and climate. They learn the principal characteristics of weather, the difference between weather and climate and the most important instruments in its measurement. The sequence also presents how to talk about current weather conditions and to understand a simple weather forecast.

Weather and climate

In this learning block, the users will learn how to distinguish between weather and climate, learn about the elements that contribute to weather and study what climate is and how it differs in different parts of the world.

• Learn the difference between weather and climate.
• Learn English words to describe temperature, climate and the four seasons.

Teacher's notes
This block is developed over five screens. Screen 1 presents simple definitions of weather and climate. Screen 2 presents what weather is and what three main elements it consists of. Screen 3 presents climate, what the two main elements of climate study are and two different climates. Screen 4 requires students to read and complete an article in two parts about weather and climate. In the final screen the students have to review the principal vocabulary in the learning object.

This block is basically designed for individual work. However, the block should present opportunities for studying and describing the weather as well as producing a simple description of climate in their region or country.

What is weather?

In this block, the user will learn more about the different elements which make up the weather, they also learn words to describe the weather, as well as some aspects of extreme weather conditions.

• Learn more about the three elements that make up weather.
• Learn words to describe weather.
• Learn about extreme weather conditions.

Teacher's notes
Screen 1 presents what involved in the study of meteorology. Screen 2 students are presented with way to describe weather and the typical symbols used to indicate different types of weather. Screen 3 requires students to answers questions about the weather. Some extreme weather phenomena are presented and practised in screen four. In the final activity, students are asked to complete sentences about the weather by choosing the right word.

This block is basically designed for individual work. However, students could be asked to describe the weather in their area. Pre-teach What's the weather like today?

Weather instruments

In this block students learn about how weather is measured, about the instruments that measure and what the water cycle is.

• Identify the different instruments used in measuring the weather.
• Learn about the water cycle.

Teacher's notes
The block consists of five screens. The presentation screen presents the six most important instruments used in measuring the weather. Screen 2 requires students to identify each instrument. Screen 3 requires students to interpret information about the weather from a bar chart. Screen 4 students are presented with a diagram and a text about the water cycle. Finally, students have to answer questions about weather instruments and the water cycle.

This block is basically designed for individual work. However, you can start a weather measuring project with your class. Measure the rainfall and temperature for two weeks. Students complete bar charts with the daily rainfall and temperatures. Then ask students to write sentences about what they found out.

What's the weather like today?

In this block students are going to learn structures we use in everyday language to describe the weather.

• Learn structures to describe weather.
• Learn about the seasons in different countries and continents.

Teacher's notes
Screen 1 presents a short dialogue about the weather. In the first activity on screen 2, students have to match sentences about the weather with pictures. Screen 3 students are required to think about the weather in different countries at different times of the year. Screen 4 requires students to write sentences describing the weather in different pictures. In the final screen students complete descriptions of the weather in different cities around the world.

This block is basically designed for individual work. However, you could look at and describe the current weather conditions in different cities around the world. Use the Internet to find the data you need.

Weather forecast

In this final block students are presented various weather forecasts and learn to say what they weather be like in the future.

• Learn to talk about the weather today and in the future in different cities around Europe.

Teacher's notes
Screen 1 presents the first lines of the weather forecast. Screen 2 presents the weather in different cities around Europe in the format of a TV weather forecast. Screen 3 students listen to a weather forecast and answer questions based on what they've heard. Screen 4 students are required to listen to a weather forecast for various European cities and match the weather symbols to the cities. Finally students are required to write three sentences about the weather in the past, present and future.

This block is basically designed for individual work. However, you can ask students to write a daily weather forecast. Students work in groups and check the weather forecast on the radio, TV or in the press. In the first few minutes of class tell them to write a short weather forecast, using symbols about the weather in their region for the next day. Post the forecasts around the class.