	Initial Scene: Poster with the title: "The Task"Scene: Martin throws a ball. Martin: “Here you go, Luis! Scene: Luis goes to the ball. Luis: I will take it!
Scene:  Martin answers to Luis: "Very gook! Come on, let's keep playing." Scene: Luis answerd to Martín: "Wait a moment, I'm going home to drink some water."  Martín: "Ok, but hurry up."
Scene: Luis's  father is at home. Luis's father: "Hi, Luis, finally I find you. Remember you promised to plant flowers in the yard."Scene:  Luis is at home. Luis: "You're right dad. Give me the shovel".Scene: Luis is in the yard of his house. Luis:"I will do it very quickly and go play with Martin."
Scene: Luis is tired. The flowers are not planted. Luis: "I`m very tired! This work is very hard."Scene: A dog runs away with the shovel in his mouth.  Luis: "My shovel!