A gentleman walks down the street with a vase in his hands. The man: Bye Rodolfo! I’m in a hurry!"The gentleman continues walking, looking back, while Martin is directly opposite with its ice cream in his hand.Scene: Martin and the gentleman are shocked.

Scene: The lemon ice cream is on the floor face down. Martín: "The ice cream!" Scene: Martin walks down the street, very angry. Martín: "What a pity! I will have to be going to buy another one! "

Martin walks down the street with another lemon ice cream in hand.Martín: "Let's see if I son't have any more problems."Luis is in the same street. He is playing with a soccer ball. Luis: 28,29, 30!The ball hits the Martín’s ice cream. Martín: "Noooo! Not again!"
Scene: Luis escapes from Martín. Martín: "This is the second ice cream that I throw. ¡Luis, I'm going to kiiiill youuuu!!" Luis: "oh sorry this has been a small mistake..."