First scene: Title: “In search of the lost light bulb”

Scene: Luis is on the sofa playing a video game. Luis: “I can’t believe I’m just about to finish this game!”

Scene: Luis’ mum is shouting: “Luis! Come here right now!”
Scene: Luis’s mum is thinking: “Where is this boy? I’m sure he’s playing his silly game.”
Scene: Luis gets a fright. He’s mum yells at him: “But Luis! Can’t you hear me?” Luis: “But mum… You gave me a fright!”Luis and his mother talk. Mother: “Stop playing and go right now to buy a light bulb like this one.” Luis: “But mum, I’m just about to finish the game…”
Scene: Luis runs down the street, angry. Luis: “I’ll run to get the light bulb and I’ll be back in no time. That way I’ll be able to finish the game…”Scene: Luis goes into the shop. Luis: “Good afternoon. Could I have a light bulb just like this one?”