Natural, Social and Cultural Sciences
The Planet Earth: oceans, seas and continents
PresentationExplore, create, publish and share Activity 1. The EarthActivity 2. EuropeActivity 3. Looking after the seasResources
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© Itinerarium 2011

DIRECTOR: Narcís Vives

  • CONTENT MANAGERS: Mª Cristina Pérez and Magdalena Garzón
  • AUTHOR: Albert Barnils Castany
  • BASQUE ADAPTATION: Bakun itzulpen eta argitalpen zerbitzuak, s.l.
  • ENGLISH ADAPTATION: Sarah Richards
  • LAYOUT: Maite Vílchez and Miquel Gordillo


The Planet Earth: oceans, seas and continents

Nearly ¾ (71%) of the Planet Earth is water (oceans, seas, etc.) The rest is formed of land masses called continents. Continents are separated by seas and oceans.

For this reason, not all geographers divide the continents in the same way. Some argue that there are only four continents, others that there are five and others believe that there are six.

But have there always been the same continents, seas and oceans on Earth? What are the current ones? Which seas and oceans are near to where you live? Can we help to improve the seas and oceans?

In the sequence of activities, we will answer all these questions.

Let’s go!

If you look closely at the image you will notice that the continents change colour, indicating the different ways of dividing and counting the continents. Click on the image to enlarge it. Source:

The Earth.


Looking after the seas.


Explore, create, publish and share

Activity 1. The Earth

The Planet Earth: oceans, seas and continents

Can water change the landscape? Do you think that the place where we live has always been the same? Can Earth change the distribution of its seas, oceans and continents? Do you think that the Earth may have changed the distribution of its seas, oceans and continents throughout history?

How do we divide the water and land mass of our planet, nowadays?

Source: Bank of images and sounds:


In this activity we will see how the continents and oceans of the Earth are formed and identify the current continents.

Pay attention to the video. When it finishes, make a note of the most surprising details on the digital board.

The theory of continental drift


Carefully observe the map of the oceans, seas and continents of the earth and do the exercise “Continents and oceans” what helps us to memorize them.

On Earth, there are continents and oceans, and there are many seas, but do you know what the difference is between a sea and an ocean? Make groups of three. Each group will look for the definitions of “sea” and “ocean” in one of the sources of reference. Then, complete the table in the following file: (.odt).

When you finish, compare the tables and complete with the information from your classmates.

Let’s revise what you know with this exercise about continents, oceans and seasContinents, oceans and seas.

To find out more

Do you want to keep practicing? Here you will find more interactive maps: flash/mmundi2e.html flash/mmundi1e.html

Activity 2. Europe

Euskadi in Europe: the seas and oceans that surround it

Do you know which continent Euskai is in? Do you know which seas and oceans surround this continent?

And Euskadi, Which sea or ocean washes its 250 miles of coastline?



In this activity we will concentrate on the seas and oceans nearby. We will start with the ones around Europe and finish with the ones closest to Euskadi.

In the previous activity, you found the names of the two oceans that surround Europe and some European seas. There are many seas, as you can see. Let’s find out where each one is.

Open the following document [ (.odt)].Look at the names of the seas and see if you know where any of them are. You can use Google Maps to find the rest.

Divide the task of searching in groups of three. To find a sea in Google Maps follow these steps:

  • Identify the red marker on the map (you can change the zoom so that it is of a similar size to the one you have in the working document and it will be much easier to situate).
  • Locate the name of the sea in your document and share the findings with your classmates and teammates.

Now it is much easier. Identify the seas and oceans around the Iberian Peninsula and mark where Euskadi is in the following file [ (.odt)]. If you need some help you know where to find it, right?

Activity 3. Looking after the seas

The importance of the seas as a resource

Do you think that the seas can cover the continents? Why do you think that there are professionals in the field that believe this? Are the seas in danger? Can we help to look after them?

What would happen if sea levels went up by 14 meters in Euskadi?

Slowly advance the video and pay attention to the coasts. You will see how the water gradually takes over more land. Impressive, right?



In groups of 4 members, you need to make a Glogster poster ( about the problems of warming seas and possible solutions so that this does not happen. The following questions will help you:

  • Do you think that the seas could cover the continents? Why do you think that there are professionals in the field who believe this?
  • Are the seas in danger?
  • Can we help to look after them? What can you do in school, at home and on an individual level in relation to this problem?

Consult the following pages:

To organize yourselves better, you can take on the following roles in the group:

  • Journalist: in charge of searching for information on the Internet and reading it.
  • Secretary: responsible for taking notes of relevant information (on paper or in a text editor)
  • Editor: responsible for creating the Glogster poster. Here you have a tutorial: Glogster for pupils.
  • Speaker: responsible for presenting the work in front of the class.

Remember that you have to work together, although each one of you will be more responsible for one part.

We recommend that before making the Glogster poster you make an outline on paper. It is important that the information is properly distributed and that the poster captures people’s attention. Do not forget that when you use text or images created by others, you must provide a reference with a link.

Now it’s time to present the work. As you give you presentation, your peers will evaluate you with the following document: (.odt).

Now is the time to check what you have learned in this teaching sequence. In the following link you will find a test, think about the question before you answer. If you make mistakes, look carefully at the correct answer. You can learn a lot from your mistakes. Go to the evaluation activity.

To find out more

An interactive game "Salvemos el océano":


These are the IT resources that you will be using in this sequence:

Program or web service 2.0
Web References
Videos and animations


  1. Menu on left(in order from top to bottom): first page of the sequence (home) icon, letter size icon, print icon, help icon and index icon.
  2. Name of material and title of the section bar.
  3. Arrows for navigation (next or last page).
  4. Space for content.


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These are the IT resources that you will be using in this sequence:

Program or web service 2.0
Web References
Videos and animations

Glogster Tutorial

Click on the image to start: