Initial Scene. Title: "the exam". Martin is yawning in his room. " I am very tired! But I cannot fall asleep I have to study for the exam tomorrow."

Escena: "For hours"

Scene: Martín is sleeping. He is dreaming about a nice bear.
Martin still is sleeping. In his dream appeared very frightened by a bear.
Martin is scared. Bocadillo de Martín: "The bear will eat me! ¡Oh no!It was a nightmare! "Scene: Martín's mother is in him room. Martin's mother: "Martín! Get up, it’s time to go to school!"
Scene: Martín is surprised. Martin:"But it can not be, what time is it?" Scene: Martín's mother answer Martín: "It is eight o'clock. You have to go to the school. Besides, you had an exam, right?"