Scene: Martin walks down the street . Martín: "I have not studied anything. I will invent any excuse to get  rid  of the exam."

Scene: Mr White asks to class: "Good morning class! Are you ready for the exam?".

Scene: Martín and his friend Sara are sitting on the desk. Martin 1: "I know what to do .... I will fall and say that the hand hurts me." Martín 2: Mr White, Can I sharpen my pencil, please ?
Scene: Martin falls to the floor. Martín: "My hand!"
Scene: Mr White talk with Martín. Martín: "It hurts a lot, Mr White. I think I will not be able to do the exam." Mr White: "No problem, you will do it another day ".Scene: Sara throws an object to Martin. Sara: "Martin, take your pencil sharpener! "
Martin catches the pencil. Martín:Thank you Sara! I caught it." Final Scene: the teacher  scolds  Martín. Mr White: "Martín, you have lied to us. You will do the exam and  besides you will do five more exercises"  Martín: "This one is the last time that I lie... "