Initial Scene: Sara is in the bed. Martin is entering her room. Martín: "How about my favorite patient?" Sara: "I am boring"

Scene: Sara is in bed. Sara: "We're already on holidays and I have  this cast, I can not move in a week."

Scene: Martin talks. Martín: "I know. Could I  do something to make you feel  better?"
Scene: Sara answer Martín:"It's still summer and I haven't eaten any ice cream. If you bring me an icecream..."
Scene: Martín seems  very happy. Martín: "An ice cream" That's done! What flavour you like?"Sara is talking. Sara: "Lemon, no no, better strawberry."
Martin is walking on the street. Martín: "For you a super ice cream of lemon."Scene: Martin walks down the street with a lemon ice cream in his hand.  Martín: "How happy Sara will be! "