Initial Scene: Poster with text: “Luis in love".Scene: Luis’s mother is talking herself. Luis's mother: "I have done Luis’s favorite food. What a surprise!"
Scene: Luis is thinking. Luis: "This evening I will dare and I say it to Sara."Luis’ mother enter into the room. Luis's mother: "Luis!  There is pizza for dinner." Luis: "Thanks mum, but I'm not really hungry. "
Scene: Luis is embarrased. His mother is angry.  Luis's mother: "Aren't you hungry?  It is imposible! Something happens to you. Tell me now." Luis: "Not, I’m embarrased..."
Scene: Luis and his mother talk. Luis's mother: "Come on Luis! I am your mum so... " Luis: "Ok mum! I am in love and I am not sure is I should tell it to her."