Scene: Luis’ mother looks very happy. Luis's mother: My son is in love! Of course you  should say it to her. And also carry some flowers." Scene: Luis looks very happy. Luis: "You're right mum,  now I will go and tell it her at the park." Scene: There are flowers planted in the yard of Luis. Luis: "She will be charmed with this flowers."
Scene: Luis walks down the street with flowers in his hand. Luis: Come on Luis! Sure she also likes you." Scene: Luis is scared because a dog robs his flowers.
Scene: The dog runs with the flowers in the mouth. Scene: Luis follow the dog. Luis: ""I am going to catch you!"Scene: Luis hits with a rucksack."
Sara is very surprised. Sara 1: "Luis, What happened to you?" Sara 2: "And  Willy, where did you get these flowers?" Final scene: Sara and Luis seem very happy. Luis: "I have brought the flowers for you because I like you very much." Sara: "I love it, thank you very much. And the flowers are not the only thing that I love. You too."