Scene: Luis’s mother storms in the room. They talk. Mother: “You haven’t bought anything! This light bulb is broken. What did you do with the money?” Luis: “What? I spent it on the light bulb! I went to the shop and the shopkeeper gave me that one.” Scene: Luis runs angrily down the road. Luis: “What’s happened? I’ll talk to the shopkeeper and he’ll give me my money back. “

Escena: Luis furioso corriendo por la calle. Bocadillo de Luis: "¿Qué habrá podido pasar? Hablaré con el vendedor y lo solucionaré. Seguro me devuelve el dinero."Scene: The shopkeeper is in the shop. Luis: “Good afternoon. I’m back because the light bulb you sold me earlier was broken.” Shopkeeper: “That’s right, it was broken.”
Scene: Luis stares in amazement. Luis:” But… you charged me three euros for a broken bulb? Will you give me my money back, please?” Scene: The shopkeeper talks: “The money? Of course not. You asked for a light bulb exactly the same as the one you had, and that’s what I gave you.”
Final scene: Luis, ashamed, is lying on the floor. The shopkeeper talks to him: “Your light bulb was broken, wasn’t it? So I gave you a bulb exactly the same as the one you had: broken.” Luis: “My mum is going to kill me!”