1.3. The intestine

IDevice Icon 1.3. The intestine





The intestine is inside the belly. It is a very long tube, about seven metres long. It has got two parts:

  • The small intestine comes from the stomach and is the longest part. Just inside the small intestine, the strong acid of the stomach is neutralized so that enzymes requiring an alkaline environment can take over. Finally, absorption takes place and the nutrients are ready for checking by the liver before they are allowed to enter the general bloodstream for transport throughout the body.

  • The large intestine: After most of the nutrients have been absorbed, the residue bulks up in the large intestine. Here, water is reclaimed before the stool is expelled from the body. It comes from the small intestine to the anus (we defecate with it).

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Andrés Egea - Yolanda Marcos 2008