Present Simple: starting.

1) Put these forms in the adequate place.

I, Maria, Will, We, Bill and Sonia, They, Andy, You, My friend, Pat and the Cat.

            work                                works

            study                                studies

            love                                  loves

            get up                               gets up

2) Sometimes we add +s, sometimes +es, sometimes nothing.

a) I             televsion from 10 to 12 (watch).

b) You             comics (read).

c) Will             to the park in the evenings (go).

d) Diana             a lot (study).

e) The dog             at night (bark).

f) We             english very well (speak).

g) They             their grandma on Saturday (visit).

h) Josie and Jill             from 10 to 8 (sleep).

3) Complete with the correct form. Attention !!

a) I             at school but my brother             in a factory (work).

b) On Sunday we             to the beach and Mary             to the cinema (go).

c) They             work at 8; we             at 9 (start).

d) My grandpa             wine.I             "Seven up" (drink).

e) School             at 5, cinema             at 1'30 (finish).

f) In summer you             books but  my mother             magazines (read).

g) Your sister             very well but you             very badly (write).

h) I             hot dogs and my cousin             hamburgers (like).

i) Laura             the guitar and Peter             the flute (play).


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