Natural, Social and Cultural Sciences
Ecosytems: terrestrial and aquatic
Activity 2

Activity 2

Aquatic ecosystems


Now you know the components and characteristics of a terrestrial ecosystem. Are aquatic ecosystems similar? Let’s see…


We all know that life on Earth would be impossible without water. It is essential to life. Aquatic ecosystems are of vital importance and generally, contain a great variety of plant and animal species.

There are two types of aquatic ecosystems: marine ecosystems and freshwater ecosystems .

A marine ecosystem includes oceans, seas, marshes, etc., fantastic places to develop lifep>

As in all ecosystems, in the sea, there are biotic and abiotic factors, like, salt and dissolved oxygen. The sea bed is also important as some creatures, like snails move around on it or others are fixed in it, like coral. Other factors include, temperature, light, marine currents, etc.

Look at this presentation of marine photos. Look at the animals but remember, there are many different factors which make up this ecosystem.


The freshwater ecosystems include rivers, lakes and lagoons, artificial lakes and reservoirs, etc. As well as a many different fish, there are also amphibians and very important and abundant plant life. Some species come and go looking for food or to breed.

Access To see a fresh water ecosystem animation.

Click on the green button and on the tab, “ecosystem” to meet Sapito.


Observe the environment where Sapito lives and identify living things and inert components. In groups, complete the following file (.odt)

To analyse the relationships in Sapito’s ecosystem go to “Relaciones” in this web site click on“ relaciones” then, the first option “ relaciones básicas entre las poblaciones del ecosistema ” as in this image:

Now, go back to your file and try to complete the relationships table. You need to choose two elements from the biotic and abiotic factors and write a sentence to describe their relationship. For example in your table you have:

Abiotic factors

Biotic factors




insect larva

Choose 2 or 3 elements and in the table “Relationships” write:


  • Seaweed needs sunlight to live.
  • insect larva eat seaweed.
  • Seaweed and insect larva live in water.

Share your ideas on the digital board with the class. Did other groups write about different relationships? Are they correct? Apart from food, did you identify other relationships?

To find out more

If you want to see some incredible sea creatures, surf the oceans of this documentary “Oceans” by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud and if you have the chance to see the whole film, enjoy it!

Click on “Voir le site” → Videos


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