Natural, Social and Cultural Sciences
The tertiary sector: services for our wellbeing
Activity 1

Activity 1

The importance of the tertiary sector

Image obtained from

In previous activities in class you learnt about the primary and secondary sectors.

In the primary sector we find all the activities dedicated to extracting natural resources, for example agriculture, fishing and mining.

The secondary sector converts raw materials into goods and products. This sector transforms clay into a beautiful pot, oranges into delicious juice or metal into useful tools.

The tertiary sector, or service sector , covers all the economic activities which don’t form part of the primary or secondary sectors. In this sector we can find very different activities: transport, education, health, tourism, etc.

The tertiary sector has a fundamental importance in our lives. Every day, without realising, we are in contact with this sector: when we buy food, when we go to school, when we watch television, when we travel by train.

Our lives would be very different without the tertiary sector. In many poor countries, the children can’t go to school. And, instead of buying food in the shops, many families have to produce their own food by cultivating the land and raising cattle.


From the information in the text, answer the following questions:

  • What is the tertiary sector?

  • What benefits does it offer us?

  • Can you explain the differences between the three sectors?

  • Why do you think the service sector is so important in our daily lives?

Now, look at the following pictures and decide together which image matches which sector: primary, secondary and tertiary. Note that all the actions are related to the sea: boats, fishing, fish sellers; but each one represents a different sector. Do you know which sector each picture belongs to?

    Image taken from: Tragavientos

    Image taken from: Kalipedia

    Image taken from: El mundo

Answer the following questionnaire. Which actions belong to the tertiary sector? Come on! Let’s go!

Click on the correct sentences to answer the question. When you finish, click on “Check”. Your result will show up on the screen. To see where you went wrong, access the pages by the numbers in lower right corner. Red shows incorrect answers and green shows correct answers.

Look around you and think about activities related to the tertiary sector in your daily life: with your friends, with your family, everyday, in the street, etc.

Download this file And make a list of these activities.

Remember: All the actions must relate to the tertiary sector..

Together, imagine what life would be like without the tertiary sector. Would life be better or worse?


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  3. Arrows for navigation (next or last page).
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