Natural, Social and Cultural Sciences
The tertiary sector: services for our wellbeing
Activity 3

Activity 3

The informative audioguide

Image taken from: Woices

The time has come to use the information you gathered in the last activity. You are going to record and publish an audioguide using Woices.

Don’t forget that the way you express yourselves is very important because everything will be recorded. You even have to be careful with your body language because although it won’t be seen, your movements will be recorded.

Remember that the the information is directed at tourists or people from other areas. They won’t understand local words or expressions so be careful not to use them.

Talk slowly and clearly. Make a final check of the recording by listening carefully and make any necessary changes.

Remember: you need a microphone for this activity.


With the script prepared, the speakers are now ready for action. You need to read the text aloud several times until it’s familiar and you can express the ideas with the correct intonation.

Before recording, remember what a good speaker should not do:

  • Speak too quickly.

  • Not respect punctuation, commas, full-stops, question and exclamtion marks, etc.

  • Be monotonous and inexpressive.

  • Transmit no feelings (happiness, sadness, surprise, etc.).

  • Read in a false and exaggerated way.

Before you record your section you need to rehearse including special effects: voices, sounds, music, etc.

Record your script with the program Woices ( and place it on the map.

Woices is a free Internet service which allows us to create, listen and share oral information about a locality. If you have never used Woices or you don’t remember how it works consult the following tutorials:

Image taken from

  • How to make an eco (recording) in Woices in 5 steps.
  • If you need more help, access this videotutorial to find out more about Woices.

Finally, listen carefully to your eco (recording) and fill in the improvements evaluation. If you think something is wrong you will need to re-record it. Remember that other people will listen to you.

Congratulations! From now on, anybody who wants to come and visit your city can find out, from a distance, about the services it offers.


  1. Menu on left(in order from top to bottom): first page of the sequence (home) icon, letter size icon, print icon, help icon and index icon.
  2. Name of material and title of the section bar.
  3. Arrows for navigation (next or last page).
  4. Space for content.


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Create Woices

Click on the image to go on:
