Natural, Social and Cultural Sciences
The tertiary sector: services for our wellbeing
PresentationExplore, create, publish and shareActivity 1Activity 2Activity 3Activity 4Resources
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The service sector

Image taken from

Before reaching our hands, the products that we buy have been on a long journey.

Think, for example, of a bag of crisps. First, the farmer must cultivate the land to grow potatoes. Then, the potatoes go to a factory where they are peeled, cut, fried and chemically treated. Finally, they are packaged and sent to the supermarkets and shops where we can buy them.

A bag of crisps could never reach our hands (and our stomachs!) without the intervention of the tertiary sector, which offers products and services to people and businesses.

With the following activities you will discover the importance of the tertiary sector in our lives. You will learn about some businesses and services in your city and you will make an informative audioguide.

Are you ready? Let’s start!

The importance of the tertiary sector.

The tertiary sector in our city.

The informative audioguide.

Self-evaluation of the audioguide.


Explore, create, publish and share

Activity 1

The importance of the tertiary sector

Image obtained from

In previous activities in class you learnt about the primary and secondary sectors.

In the primary sector we find all the activities dedicated to extracting natural resources, for example agriculture, fishing and mining.

The secondary sector converts raw materials into goods and products. This sector transforms clay into a beautiful pot, oranges into delicious juice or metal into useful tools.

The tertiary sector, or service sector , covers all the economic activities which don’t form part of the primary or secondary sectors. In this sector we can find very different activities: transport, education, health, tourism, etc.

The tertiary sector has a fundamental importance in our lives. Every day, without realising, we are in contact with this sector: when we buy food, when we go to school, when we watch television, when we travel by train.

Our lives would be very different without the tertiary sector. In many poor countries, the children can’t go to school. And, instead of buying food in the shops, many families have to produce their own food by cultivating the land and raising cattle.


From the information in the text, answer the following questions:

  • What is the tertiary sector?

  • What benefits does it offer us?

  • Can you explain the differences between the three sectors?

  • Why do you think the service sector is so important in our daily lives?

Now, look at the following pictures and decide together which image matches which sector: primary, secondary and tertiary. Note that all the actions are related to the sea: boats, fishing, fish sellers; but each one represents a different sector. Do you know which sector each picture belongs to?

    Image taken from: Tragavientos

    Image taken from: Kalipedia

    Image taken from: El mundo

Answer the following questionnaire. Which actions belong to the tertiary sector? Come on! Let’s go!

Click on the correct sentences to answer the question. When you finish, click on “Check”. Your result will show up on the screen. To see where you went wrong, access the pages by the numbers in lower right corner. Red shows incorrect answers and green shows correct answers.

Look around you and think about activities related to the tertiary sector in your daily life: with your friends, with your family, everyday, in the street, etc.

Download this file And make a list of these activities.

Remember: All the actions must relate to the tertiary sector..

Together, imagine what life would be like without the tertiary sector. Would life be better or worse?

Activity 2

The tertiary sector in our city

Image taken from:

In Activity 1 you discovered the importance of the tertiary sector in our lives.

Modern cities exist thanks to the tertiary sector. Without it, we would need to live near the country or sea to produce our own food to live. There would be no shops or transport.

In any town or city in this country, we can find services which help our daily life: hospitals, shops, schools, etc.

Public and private services

The services of the tertiary sector can be public or private .

The public services are those that belong to administrations: the town hall, the county council and the state. Examples of these kinds of services include: a fire station, a police station, a post office.

The private services are those which belong to a business or a person, for example, a bakery, a supermarket or a clothes shop.

In some cases, the services can be public and private. For example, some hospitals are public and others are private.

Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona

Image taken from:


In this activity you are going to produce an informative text about the most important service in your city. You are going to work in pairs or groups of three. Each group needs to look for information and create a text which explains the most important services in the city. In this activity you can use Writer [].

In class, make a list of the essential services you need to live in a city.

Download this file and complete the list.

Choose an example from your city or a city close by for each of the services you named in exercise 1.







Basurto Hospital

Now, divide into pairs or threes. Each pair or group will look for information about one of the businesses or services you named in exercise 2. You need to find out the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Type of service offered
  • Telephone and e-mail
  • Opening hours
  • Additional information

Note: The majority of important services in a city have their own web page. Write the name of the business or service in Google [] and you will easily find the necessary information for this exercise.

With the information you obtained, write an informative text .

This text should help orientate tourists or people who do not live in the area to find the most important services, for example: the health centre, the police station or the post office.

Advice: This text will be the base for your audioguide. Therefore, you need to write a short text which later you will read aloud. The text must include the most important points about the service. So the language you use should be:

  • Clear: use a standard register: not too formal but not colloquial.
  • Direct: direct yourselves at the listener and don’t wander off track.
  • Write the sentences using a logical structure in English : subject + verb + predicate.
  • Use the present tense.

The text should be clear and easy to understand. Don’t forget to Save it when you finish!.

Activity 3

The informative audioguide

Image taken from: Woices

The time has come to use the information you gathered in the last activity. You are going to record and publish an audioguide using Woices.

Don’t forget that the way you express yourselves is very important because everything will be recorded. You even have to be careful with your body language because although it won’t be seen, your movements will be recorded.

Remember that the the information is directed at tourists or people from other areas. They won’t understand local words or expressions so be careful not to use them.

Talk slowly and clearly. Make a final check of the recording by listening carefully and make any necessary changes.

Remember: you need a microphone for this activity.


With the script prepared, the speakers are now ready for action. You need to read the text aloud several times until it’s familiar and you can express the ideas with the correct intonation.

Before recording, remember what a good speaker should not do:

  • Speak too quickly.

  • Not respect punctuation, commas, full-stops, question and exclamtion marks, etc.

  • Be monotonous and inexpressive.

  • Transmit no feelings (happiness, sadness, surprise, etc.).

  • Read in a false and exaggerated way.

Before you record your section you need to rehearse including special effects: voices, sounds, music, etc.

Record your script with the program Woices ( and place it on the map.

Woices is a free Internet service which allows us to create, listen and share oral information about a locality. If you have never used Woices or you don’t remember how it works consult the following tutorials:

Image taken from

  • How to make an eco (recording) in Woices in 5 steps.
  • If you need more help, access this videotutorial to find out more about Woices.

Finally, listen carefully to your eco (recording) and fill in the improvements evaluation. If you think something is wrong you will need to re-record it. Remember that other people will listen to you.

Congratulations! From now on, anybody who wants to come and visit your city can find out, from a distance, about the services it offers.

Activity 4

Self-evaluation of the audioguides

You have now completed most of the work, but, to finish you are going to analyse your productions in class to make sure they have achieved the objectives.


In class, listen to the recordings of all the groups. You are now going to evaluate your classmates work. You will need to use the following table:





    The content of the recording is useful for people who do not live in this city. The characteristcs of the service are explained in detail..

    The content of the recording is correct but one or two details of the service are missing.

    The content of the recording is not useful. Most of the characteristics of the service are missing.


    Appropriate language is used. All the words and expressions are adequate and no local words or expressions are used which would be difficult for a tourist or people from other areas to understand.

    The language used is correct, but one or two inappropriate words or local expressions are used that tourists and people from other areas would not understand.

    The language used is inadequate. There are too many inappropriate words and local expressions used.


    The recording is easy to understand. The voices are clear and the rhythm not too fast or slow. There is no background noise.

    The recording is quite easy to understand but there are background noises which distract or the rhythm is not adequate.

    Most of the recording cannot be understood. There are background noises, e.g. shouts or laughter.

Write the marks for each recording in your books.

Mark each recording with A, B or C according to the content, the language and the presentation.

To finish, value the suggestions made by your classmates and make the essential changes to your recording. Above all, thank your classmates for their help.

From this momento on, your city has an audioguide of the most important services for anybody who needs them. Good job!


In this sequence we will be using:

A word processor

  • Writer

A multiplatform word processor which is part of the group of applications in

The search engine

  • Google

A site to publish ecos

  • Woices

Woices tutorials


  1. Menu on left(in order from top to bottom): first page of the sequence (home) icon, letter size icon, print icon, help icon and index icon.
  2. Name of material and title of the section bar.
  3. Arrows for navigation (next or last page).
  4. Space for content.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


In this sequence we will be using:

A word processor

  • Writer

A multiplatform word processor which is part of the group of applications in

The search engine

  • Google

A site to publish ecos

  • Woices

Woices tutorials

Create Woices

Click on the image to start:

Informative text

The expository text is also known as the informative text. It’s prime function is to transmit information. It is not limited to simple data but adds explainations and descriptions with examples and analogies.

For this reason, it is used in all the sciences, physics, mathematics, biologies and social sciences, as the central objective of science is to provide explainations of the characteristic phenomena of each subject.

Create Woices

Click on the image to go on:

Create Woices

Click on the image to start: