Natural, Social and Cultural Sciences
The tertiary sector: services for our wellbeing
Activity 4

Activity 4

Self-evaluation of the audioguides

You have now completed most of the work, but, to finish you are going to analyse your productions in class to make sure they have achieved the objectives.


In class, listen to the recordings of all the groups. You are now going to evaluate your classmates work. You will need to use the following table:





    The content of the recording is useful for people who do not live in this city. The characteristcs of the service are explained in detail..

    The content of the recording is correct but one or two details of the service are missing.

    The content of the recording is not useful. Most of the characteristics of the service are missing.


    Appropriate language is used. All the words and expressions are adequate and no local words or expressions are used which would be difficult for a tourist or people from other areas to understand.

    The language used is correct, but one or two inappropriate words or local expressions are used that tourists and people from other areas would not understand.

    The language used is inadequate. There are too many inappropriate words and local expressions used.


    The recording is easy to understand. The voices are clear and the rhythm not too fast or slow. There is no background noise.

    The recording is quite easy to understand but there are background noises which distract or the rhythm is not adequate.

    Most of the recording cannot be understood. There are background noises, e.g. shouts or laughter.

Write the marks for each recording in your books.

Mark each recording with A, B or C according to the content, the language and the presentation.

To finish, value the suggestions made by your classmates and make the essential changes to your recording. Above all, thank your classmates for their help.

From this momento on, your city has an audioguide of the most important services for anybody who needs them. Good job!


  1. Menu on left(in order from top to bottom): first page of the sequence (home) icon, letter size icon, print icon, help icon and index icon.
  2. Name of material and title of the section bar.
  3. Arrows for navigation (next or last page).
  4. Space for content.


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