Explotar el viaje de estudios en inglés.

Preguntas con: did, what, when, where, who, which.

Find someone who.


1) Did you buy any presents?

2) Did you get on the Dragon Khan?

3) Did you dance at the disco?

4) Did you listen to some music?

5) Did you see the planets at the Imax or did you sleep?

6) Did you get on the Tutuki Splash?

7) Did you drink any Coca-Cola?

8) Did you telephone your mother?

9) Did you play  videogames?

10) Did you sleep during the trip?

11) Did you have lunch in Port Aventura?

12) Did you skate in Puigcerdá

13) Did you enjoy the trip?


1) What did you buy in your study trip?

2) What did you do in Port Aventura?

3) What food did you prefer?

4) What things didn't you like?

5) What did you have lunch in Port Aventura?

6) What time did you leave Port Aventura?

7) What time did you have to go to bed every night?


1) When did you arrive to Mazarron?

2) When did you leave Castlldefels?

3) When did you go to Port Aventura?

4) When did you come back?

5) When did you go to the disco?

6) When did you go to the Aquarium?

7) When did you buy your presents?


1) Where did the trip start?

2) Where did you buy your presents?

3) Where did you stay in Castelldefels?

4) Where did you have the best meals?

5) Where did you see the most beautiful landscape?

6) Where did you have the greatest moment?

7) Where were the bus and the driver from?


1) Who did you buy presents for?

2) Who did you visit Port Aventura with?

3) Who did you sleep in the bedroom with?

4) Who  skated  at the "Ice Palace"?

5) Who did you dance at the disco with?

6) Who did you sit at the bus with?

7) Who wrote a postcard to his/her family?

8) Who did you sit at the meals with?

9) Who did you go to the disco with?

10) Who did you get on in the Dragon Khan with?

11) Who got on the Tutuki Splash?

12) Who did you visit the Science Museum with?

13) Who did you speak of the telephone to?

14) Who did you get angry with?


1) Which hotel did you like best?

2) Which attraction did you prefer?

3) Which room was the biggest/smallest?

4) Which hotel was the most confortable?

5) And which one the most unconfortable?

6) Which song did you sing the most?

7) Which day did you spend a lot of money?
8) Which regions did you cross to go to Pirineos?

9) Which day was your favourite?
Find someone who....
...... spent less than 20.000 pts
….. got on Dragon Khan more than 5 times
….. slept less than 5 hours
….. wrote 1 or 2 postcards
….. phoned his/her family twice or more
….. phoned his/her family twice or more
….. phoned his/her family twice or more

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Cómo explotar el viaje de estudios.

El itinerario del viaje.

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